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SPAM filter onboard Gmail is pretty good. Actually, I haven't got any problems with it (the same amount of false positives as in all other similar tools) up until now.

I receive a daily backup summary generated by my own server. Backup process runs every day at 3 p.m. and about half an hour later I get a summary e-mail. Since this is auto-generated message, its content is always nearly identical. Some filenames differs sometimes . It's been working for over a year. And for over a year Gmail has been accepting this e-mail without any problems and it always landed in my Inbox. Today, for the first time, I found it in my SPAM folder. Why? Gmail informed me that its content is very similar to SPAM messages.

Quite interesting. For over a year this e-mail hasn't been suspicious to Gmail at all. Of course, I have never marked such messages as SPAM manually. And all of sudden, after receiving about four hundred of them, it started to wonder if it might be SPAM.

Paint was always such a shit that many people actually called it MS Pain.

Microsoft has been fixing many things from version to version, making the one that ships with Windows XP even quite usable. Following versions were even bigger steps, with final version (Windows 7) actually rewritten from scratch, using ribbon, multi-level undo and many, many more.

Pity, that with one of the last version they removed a "small" feature that was always there -- a warning screen to warn you that you are about to loose your work...

...continue reading "A painful Paint fuckup"

Google is the company that always is releasing own version of already existing software, services or solutions (browser, office suite... the list is long). Or providing users with free1, yet alternates way to solve or do something.

The only thing is that they nearly always have to fuck something up. Google Chrome's extension called "Remote Desktop BETA" is no exception to that.

1Free as in "we are stealing all your data with this, so you're actually paying with your privacy".

...continue reading "Chrome Remote Desktop Fuckup"

When your session (cookie) is expired (because you have logged out of your Google account in some other tab), in most cases Google Calendar won't be able to handle such situation. Instead of logging you off automatically, it will keep bloating you with messages like "Cannot delete this item now, please try again within few minutes".

Pressing F5 and logging in again solves the problem. What a lame!

For several hours today, there were many fuckups in Google Wallet.

I can clearly see, that Google is introducing some serious changes to Google Wallet. But, why did they let themselves to run into situation, where current version works so badly?

...continue reading "Today’s Google Wallet serious fuckups"

I have exactly the same system installed on both my notebook and desktop computer -- Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Edition with Service Pack 1 and Polish Language Pack. On one of them (notebook) I can access external USB 80 GB 2,5 inch hard drive without any problems. On the other one (desktop) I can't access it at all.

...continue reading "External USB drive fuckup"

Since Paint in Windows 7 was the only image editor that I had handy right at that moment and since it was updated to be quite good, yet basic image editor, I used it to do a small work on a really big (as for Paint) image.

Sadly, it turns out, that it can handle some basic operations on such big images, but it can't... open an image it just saved to disk!

...continue reading "Paint can’t open file written by itself"

A famous (the most popular?) web development language -- PHP -- completely can't work with Oracle database (the most popular RDBMS for high-end business solutions), if connection is UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded.

This bug has been reported for the first time... seven years ago (!!!) and still hasn't been fixed, though to fix it, dev team would have to change one line of the source code (!!!) and recompile sources. So, it seems this is one of the biggest IT fuckups ever.

...continue reading "Huge bug in PHP not fixed for over SEVEN years"

Google Translate has a nifty feature of auto-detecting language based on source.

You can even automate this feature (call it directly from your browser's address bar or use it in search engines configuration). This makes things much quicker. The only problem is that sometimes Google Translate "translates" from English to... English!

...continue reading "A small Google Translate fuckup"

Android 4.1 came down to my hands, so Android Fuckup Saga continues. Here, you'll find only fresh cookies. I'm not repeating old ones (which you can find here), since this is quite boring. But, yes, there are certain things wasted in 4.0 or even 2.3 and still not fixed up in 4.1. This article is the smallest one in Android Fuckup Saga, because even before finishing and publishing it, an Android 4.2 was released. Thus, most of the bugs (still not fixed in 4.2) went there.

...continue reading "Android 4.1 on Google Nexus is also a shit"

This problem is mentioned in following sources:

In short: after update to Android 4.1 you have two voices in Google Navigation:

  • clearly sampled, human voice, giving you driving directions,
  • ugly, crapy, TTS (Text-to-Speech) computer voice, trying to read nearly everything.

What is the worst, the second voice does not rely on driving or location data received from Navigation. Instead, it tries to read everything, what it "sees" on screen. So, if you have 350 meteres to turn, you'll hear "turn left in 350 em" (yes, "em", not "meteres", just "em")!

...continue reading "Two voices in Google Navigation"

...and why do I hate Google?

Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone is my first mobile device equipped with Android 4.0. I have never used that system before, so here is a bunch of my first-minute discovers and opinions. Keep in mind, that I'm using a "pure", Google-like Android 4.0. If you're using some modded version of Android or a vendor-specific version, provided by other producer than Samsung, you may not find some of these problems on your phone.

...continue reading "Why Android 4.0 on Samsung Galaxy Nexus is a shit…"

Nullsoft, Inc. has finally fixed a bug that caused Mobile Winamp Pro to stop working at all under Android 4.1 JellyBean.

I think this is the first such situation in the entire history of IT, that a major, world-wide know company needs TWENTY SEVEN DAYS (since initial report) to fix a bug that was causing their paid application to be completely useless.

Try to follow these steps:

  • run Computer Management,
  • select Disk Management,
  • select some disk,
  • right click it and select Properties from context menu,
  • run Scandisk from opened dialog and finally
  • close the Computer management main window.

Did everything has just stop?

...continue reading "Why Disk Management is a shit?"

Believe it or not, it took me more time to unpack the player, install hard drive inside and briefly read manual (approx. 30 minutes total) then to use this device and decide to return it to shop. Let me underline the meaning of this post:


Don't you never, ever even think about the possibility of purchasing this home theatre player. Please, don't hurt yourself as I did!

...continue reading "Asus O!Play HD2. A technological disaster"

In this article you'll find some things you may need to consider before buying Canon Coolpix S3000 digital camera. I was using it for some longer time and it was very disappointing in certain areas. I wouldn't suggest purchasing it to anyone.

...continue reading "Purchasing or considering Canon Coolpix S3000? Read this…"

Are you getting upset of Skype underlining links in your browser or e-mail client? There is an easy way to get rid of them. But keep in mind that you're probably will have to repeat this procedure after each update to this idiotic piece of software.

Bare in mind that I am not talking about integration with callto: protocol.

To disable this feature you can find a corresponding option in Advanced Options tab in Skype configuration. You can disable this feature and nothing will change -- links will be underlined anyway.

...continue reading "Get rid of Skype’s Click to Call"

Gettin an unexpected error when decompressing a ZIP archive, using internal mechanism build into Windows XP (and newer) Windows Explorer (i.e. by clicking archive with right mouse button or dragging it somewhere and using proper option from menu to decompress)? Then you can be 99,9% sure that such archive is simply password-protected and encrypted in the same time. Windows can't handle such archives. But, in the same time, it is stupid enough to throw you some idiotic, pointless, meaningless errors instead of simply saying, that i does not operate on encrypted archives! What a low...

...continue reading "Unexpected error when decompressing .zip archive"

Year ago or so, I bought a paid Google Storage quota. Google -- of course without asking me, if I'm willing to do so -- set automatic renewal of my Google storage quota. Because I think what I think about automatic credit card operations, first thing I did after was to disable this (cancel renewal). To my extreme surprise this blocked me from manually renewing my subscription next year.

...continue reading "Paid Google Storage manual renewal fuckup"

I had to activate (or actually reactivate) one of my old copies of Windows XP. Due to being tired I have entered an incorrect serial number. Windows given me a proper information, with link to Windows XP Activation Help webpage.

After clicking that link...

Nice! :] I know that Microsoft has dropped support for Windows XP completely, but this is something that actually shouldn't happened right?

Windows treats ZIP files like folders, you say, right?

If you still believe in such bullshit then try to:

  • open some ZIP file,
  • select some or all files,
  • press Ctrl+X to cut them,
  • navigate to some destination folder and
  • press Ctrl+V to paste copied files.

This simple operation can take hours on Windows!

...continue reading "Windows treats ZIP files like folders"

If your printer, that you're not using anymore, keeps appearing in Control Panel > Printers after you delete it many times, try to instead first double click it to find what is being printed on it? You my find some long forgotten document (some times waiting months for printer to be again connected) that is preventing printer from disappearing from the list of printers for good.

...continue reading "Undeletable printer"

Don't you never, ever buy HP or Compaq notebooks! Ever! Don't you never, ever buy HP or Compaq notebooks! Ever! You'll get over-priced, over-dated, old computer that has nothing to current trends and electronic progress.

...continue reading "Compaq CQ61-220EW and Gigabit Internet"