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SPAM filter onboard Gmail is pretty good. Actually, I haven't got any problems with it (the same amount of false positives as in all other similar tools) up until now.

I receive a daily backup summary generated by my own server. Backup process runs every day at 3 p.m. and about half an hour later I get a summary e-mail. Since this is auto-generated message, its content is always nearly identical. Some filenames differs sometimes . It's been working for over a year. And for over a year Gmail has been accepting this e-mail without any problems and it always landed in my Inbox. Today, for the first time, I found it in my SPAM folder. Why? Gmail informed me that its content is very similar to SPAM messages.

Quite interesting. For over a year this e-mail hasn't been suspicious to Gmail at all. Of course, I have never marked such messages as SPAM manually. And all of sudden, after receiving about four hundred of them, it started to wonder if it might be SPAM.

A famous (the most popular?) web development language -- PHP -- completely can't work with Oracle database (the most popular RDBMS for high-end business solutions), if connection is UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded.

This bug has been reported for the first time... seven years ago (!!!) and still hasn't been fixed, though to fix it, dev team would have to change one line of the source code (!!!) and recompile sources. So, it seems this is one of the biggest IT fuckups ever.

...continue reading "Huge bug in PHP not fixed for over SEVEN years"

Windows treats ZIP files like folders, you say, right?

If you still believe in such bullshit then try to:

  • open some ZIP file,
  • select some or all files,
  • press Ctrl+X to cut them,
  • navigate to some destination folder and
  • press Ctrl+V to paste copied files.

This simple operation can take hours on Windows!

...continue reading "Windows treats ZIP files like folders"