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A question. Is it possible to have a bug:

  • in a world most recognizable... bug reporting system,
  • that affects millions of users,
  • which fixing needs to change only a few lines of code,
  • for which you have already a provided solution,
  • and that solution needs only about half an hour on testing,
  • that remains unfixed for FIFTEEN years?

An answer. Yes. Welcome to the Atlassian world!

The above screenshot is from 2016. Add +3 years to above numbers...

My recent purchase of a digital stuff (Kindle book) proven that the world biggest Internet selling shop is completley not prepared for selling stuff (at least in area of European Union). Because for each purchase it is generating invoices that contains completely wrong and invalid data.

Yet, my contact with Amazon support team showed up that they don't give a shit.

...continue reading " and a completely invalid invoices…"