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microsoft – itfuckup.com https://itfuckup.com Best IT fuckups in the world! Mon, 29 Jul 2024 08:33:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://itfuckup.com/files/2015/09/cropped-itfuckup.com_-32x32.png microsoft – itfuckup.com https://itfuckup.com 32 32 42734176 AI has just “invented” time travel! https://itfuckup.com/2024/07/29/ai-has-just-invented-time-travel/ https://itfuckup.com/2024/07/29/ai-has-just-invented-time-travel/#comments Mon, 29 Jul 2024 08:33:36 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1361 ...continue reading "AI has just “invented” time travel!"]]> Our dear Microsoft CoPilot has just invented time travel:

It started in August, 3 years ago, added 336 days (so not even a full year) to that and landed in... June, the next year. It took it roughly 11 months to pass nearly four years.


If super-duper AI breaks itself on simple math then I think we don't have to worry too much about our future on this planet! Or maybe that's the reason why we should?

https://itfuckup.com/2024/07/29/ai-has-just-invented-time-travel/feed/ 1 1361
Why I can’t change PowerPoint’s keyboard shortcuts? https://itfuckup.com/2023/04/11/why-i-cant-change-powerpoints-keyboard-shortcuts/ https://itfuckup.com/2023/04/11/why-i-cant-change-powerpoints-keyboard-shortcuts/#respond Tue, 11 Apr 2023 10:15:56 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1219 ...continue reading "Why I can’t change PowerPoint’s keyboard shortcuts?"]]> Well... you can. You only have to pay for this... a "small fee" of 150 USD per year!

You cannot modify PowerPoint's shortcuts, because years ago stupid Microsoft, hunger for money as usual, signed a stupid business agreement to make this feature available in form of paid plug-in only. Now you are a victim of everlasting eagerness of Microsoft and have two options: pay insanely high 150 bucks per year or live with default keyboard shortcuts only. This is at least 11 years old problem.

Yes, you are correct -- Microsoft enforces you to pay for changing keyboard shortcuts (plus 180 other useless features) the same amount (149 USD per) as you would actually pay for the entire Microsoft 365 Business Standard package (12.50 USD per month = 150 USD per year).

Can't find words to express what I am thinking about this idea and policy.

https://itfuckup.com/2023/04/11/why-i-cant-change-powerpoints-keyboard-shortcuts/feed/ 0 1219
The four that is… not four in Word 365 https://itfuckup.com/2023/01/26/the-four-that-is-not-four-in-word-365/ https://itfuckup.com/2023/01/26/the-four-that-is-not-four-in-word-365/#respond Thu, 26 Jan 2023 16:46:11 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1183 ...continue reading "The four that is… not four in Word 365"]]> Well, in the past 35 years of my IT history I've seen really weird things and a total crap. But, this... goes far beyond my imagination.

I managed to catch a situation in Word 365 when it is able to find either all or just part of result set depending on whether you have or you have not selected a column in table.

To cut the long story short, here you have a screenshot where nothing is selected:

Word is able to find all instances of number four. So... all "fours" are "fours".

Things gets a little bit different (weird) when you select a column first:

As you can see... Now at least eight "fours" are magically turned into not "fours".

In these two examples I used the Reading Highlight → Highlight All button to mark all search results.

I managed to capture this scenario, because I use a nifty life hack to quickly count amount of given elements in given document, page, table, table row or selection. I simply replace some character or strings with exactly the same one. Nothing changes in the document, but Word shows me a beautiful summary on how many changes it performed.

I was a bit surprised that in thirty-day month in managed to find only twelve days. I started digging a little bit and suddenly realized that not all fours are fours for the newest version of Microsoft Word.

As you can see, no special search attributes (like formatting) are used and the searched string is a single-character number. So, no magic is happening here. It is a bug in Word. As weird and stupid as it can be.

https://itfuckup.com/2023/01/26/the-four-that-is-not-four-in-word-365/feed/ 0 1183
Microsoft Edge is dangerous https://itfuckup.com/2022/04/14/microsoft-edge-is-dangerous/ https://itfuckup.com/2022/04/14/microsoft-edge-is-dangerous/#respond Thu, 14 Apr 2022 10:23:47 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1120 In case you wouldn't forgotten that Microsoft Edge is dangerous, it will kindly remind you about that obvious fact.

And now, what... Satya?

https://itfuckup.com/2022/04/14/microsoft-edge-is-dangerous/feed/ 0 1120
Excel’s keyboard shortcuts… by moron https://itfuckup.com/2022/01/02/excels-keyboard-shortcuts-by-moron/ https://itfuckup.com/2022/01/02/excels-keyboard-shortcuts-by-moron/#respond Sun, 02 Jan 2022 17:53:02 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1081 ...continue reading "Excel’s keyboard shortcuts… by moron"]]> For as long as we have computers and keyboards with Enter that long we're using this particular key to confirm selection from any list. Any kind of list. No matter what content or items such list has, we can sure that we can use cursor keys to navigate such list and we can hit Enter to confirm our selection.

This is so terribly obvious that it couldn't be more obvious. List = Enter to select something. Amen. Well... not for Microsoft.

This is as obvious as surprising for morons, who have designed Excel's keyboard interface. This is probably the only piece of software in the world, where you confirm your selection with... Tab key! Once again Microsoft wanted to prove to the world that they know better.

This way, if you hit Enter, trying to confirm list selection, you'll see a nasty error message instead. Because Excel will end cell editing on not completed formula name.

If you're still not totally convinced that Excel's keyboard interface was designed by an uber-moron then let's talk about selecting content of the cell you're editing.

For past 35+ years, in millions of desktop, mobile or web applications, every time and everywhere you could hit Ctrl+A to select entire text in the cell.

Everywhere, but not in Excel. Here this keyboard combination is not working, because uber-idiot from Microsoft decided that in this single software across entire world you'll be using Ctrl+Shift+Home to select entire cell content.

https://itfuckup.com/2022/01/02/excels-keyboard-shortcuts-by-moron/feed/ 0 1081
OneDrive’s folder move madness! https://itfuckup.com/2021/11/25/onedrives-folder-move-madness/ https://itfuckup.com/2021/11/25/onedrives-folder-move-madness/#respond Thu, 25 Nov 2021 20:56:24 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1073 I'd like to move a folder, but at the destination there's already a folder with the same name. OneDrive asks me, if I want to rename folder being moved and keep both of them?

No, I don't want to rename it. I'd like the destination folder to be overwritten, but...

Well... Oh, shit! It's Microsoft!

https://itfuckup.com/2021/11/25/onedrives-folder-move-madness/feed/ 0 1073
Yes, but no… in Word On-line https://itfuckup.com/2021/07/20/yes-but-no-in-word-on-line/ https://itfuckup.com/2021/07/20/yes-but-no-in-word-on-line/#respond Tue, 20 Jul 2021 14:18:42 +0000 https://itfuckup.com/?p=1029 Well...


https://itfuckup.com/2021/07/20/yes-but-no-in-word-on-line/feed/ 0 1029
Resetting Windows 10 the Microsoft way https://itfuckup.com/2020/08/28/resetting-windows-10-the-microsoft-way/ https://itfuckup.com/2020/08/28/resetting-windows-10-the-microsoft-way/#respond Fri, 28 Aug 2020 12:49:45 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=924 ...continue reading "Resetting Windows 10 the Microsoft way"]]> For the first time in my life I was forced to reset Windows 10 back to its initial state.

I was amazed by the facts that:

  • such handy and useful feature was ever developed,
  • it allows you to reset Windows to roots while keeping most apps and settings untouched,
  • the list of apps I will be forced to install again was surprisingly short.

I was, of course, surprised that this list ends on "M" not around "Z", but I believed (at first) that this is just a pure coincidence. Turned out, I was wrong.

The problem is that this feature works Microsoft way. Meaning that either there was an invisible "Next" button, allowing me to see second page of the list of apps removed by Windows resetting feature. Or Windows simply lied. Either way, if you're going to use this feature, keep in mind that what you see isn't what you get!

Here you have a foto of the initial screen. This is what you see before the process:

As you can see there are only eleven apps listed that will be removed during Windows 10 resetting process. Nice, they're going to keep most of my apps during this process, saving me a lot of time afterwards on installing them back, right?

Well... not. Because this is what you see after the process is completed:

Well... that's twenty four removed apps. Well... that are most of my apps that I had installed. Well... that's more than twice than it was promised.

And now what, Bill?

https://itfuckup.com/2020/08/28/resetting-windows-10-the-microsoft-way/feed/ 0 924
New printer type in Windows 10: Invisible https://itfuckup.com/2020/01/07/new-printer-type-in-windows-10-invisible/ https://itfuckup.com/2020/01/07/new-printer-type-in-windows-10-invisible/#respond Tue, 07 Jan 2020 10:54:46 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=866 Picture worth thousand words...

The printer is installed... but not!

And now, what, Bill?

https://itfuckup.com/2020/01/07/new-printer-type-in-windows-10-invisible/feed/ 0 866
Can't add Google Play review under Edge https://itfuckup.com/2019/12/12/cant-add-google-play-review-under-edge/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/12/12/cant-add-google-play-review-under-edge/#respond Thu, 12 Dec 2019 08:11:52 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=851 ...continue reading "Can't add Google Play review under Edge"]]> You can't add any kind of review to any Google Play app under Microsoft Edge, because a review form that initially looks like this:

turns into this after 2-3 seconds since opening:

And nothing helps. Refreshing etc. Always the same. Unless you're able to add full review and rating in less than 2 seconds you won't be able to add it at all.

And nobody gives a damn shit about this. Neither Microsoft nor Google.

https://itfuckup.com/2019/12/12/cant-add-google-play-review-under-edge/feed/ 0 851
The deadly speed of Outlook 2013 https://itfuckup.com/2019/11/26/the-deadly-speed-of-outlook-2013/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/11/26/the-deadly-speed-of-outlook-2013/#respond Tue, 26 Nov 2019 10:48:11 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=837 How long would it take on i5 / 1.70 GHz / 8 GB / Windows 10 computer with Outlook 2013 to mark 5.5k messages as read?


Seventeen minutes! God…

https://itfuckup.com/2019/11/26/the-deadly-speed-of-outlook-2013/feed/ 0 837
Disk Cleanup. Another pretty… nothing in Windows 7 https://itfuckup.com/2019/09/30/disk-cleanup-another-pretty-nothing-in-windows-7/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/09/30/disk-cleanup-another-pretty-nothing-in-windows-7/#respond Mon, 30 Sep 2019 16:46:01 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=798 At first everything was looking just good. The tool itself amazed me with the possibility of releasing nearly... ...continue reading "Disk Cleanup. Another pretty… nothing in Windows 7"]]> By a coincidence I have found a "Disk Cleanup" feature in my Windows 7.

I was wondering why it took me nearly ten years to discover it. Now, I know this...

It doesn't work at all! :>

At first everything was looking just good.

The tool itself amazed me with the possibility of releasing nearly... 21 GB additional free space on my main hard disk. Given the fact that I have only a 115 GB SSD it was like a promise of getting 20% of disk space extra.

Then the dream hit the wall of reality:

Eventually it turned out that after three hours of muggling my disk and nearly eating all system resources it managed to release... minus 700 MB of free space.

In other words... it added some more junk!

https://itfuckup.com/2019/09/30/disk-cleanup-another-pretty-nothing-in-windows-7/feed/ 0 798
2019… and still IE! https://itfuckup.com/2019/04/24/2019-and-still-ie/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/04/24/2019-and-still-ie/#respond Wed, 24 Apr 2019 10:43:11 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=752 It is year 2019, we have Microsoft Office 365 for years and we still have...

...Internet Explorer inside!

I love you, Microsoft!

https://itfuckup.com/2019/04/24/2019-and-still-ie/feed/ 0 752
The worst e-mail client ever! https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/26/the-worst-e-mail-client-ever/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/26/the-worst-e-mail-client-ever/#respond Tue, 26 Mar 2019 07:36:59 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=735 ...continue reading "The worst e-mail client ever!"]]> Scenario:

  1. User sends a number of e-mails. All are delivered without any problems.
  2. User creates first calendar event (and sends invitation). It is delivered at once.
  3. Five minutes later user creates another calendar event. Invitation is not delivered at all.
  4. User, again, sends a number of e-mails. All, again, are delivered without problems.
  5. Program does not inform user about errors in delivering that calendar event's invitation for five hours since event creation, i.e. until program closure.
  6. Calendar marks that invitation was delivered even though it still sits in "Outbok" folder.

And the cherry on the top: After learning about above problem, user sends an e-mail to its IT Support that it can't send one, single calendar event's invitation. E-mail is delivered without any problems.

Question. Is this possible? Answer: Microsoft Outlook 2013.

An error message displayed at 16:42, i.e. 4 hours and 53 minutes after first attempt of sending message:

Between start of my work I have sent a dozen of e-mails. All delivered without a problems. Then, I have created a calendar event at 11:45. Its invitation was sent as well. Within next five minutes I have created another calendar event. Invitation was never sent so far. Later that day, I have successfully sent another dozen or so of e-mail all delivered.

I was able to understand that we have some problem only because I was noticed (upon Outlook closure) that it is still trying to send something (for past five hours without any error message!). And I was warned that closing the program will interrupt the process:

And now, the best part. Since invitation for that particular calendar event was not delivered at all I had to reschedule it to another day. But, first part was to delete that event's invitation dangling in my "Outbox" folder for hours.

And here I hit the wall for the first time:

OK... then maybe opening of that message will help in anything?


Of course, restarting Outlook brought no change. It even made things worse (longer), because it eventually turned out that it is impossible to delete a message from Outlook's outbox during delivery attempt. I had to wait until another send process finally failed and only then I could delete this message.

I had to cancel my meeting (due not not sending invitation for it) and I had to spend another hour at office to clarify everything.

People, who design IT shit like that should be hanged!

https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/26/the-worst-e-mail-client-ever/feed/ 0 735
Microsoft Skype and a… mobile connection? https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/11/microsoft-skype-and-a-mobile-connection/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/11/microsoft-skype-and-a-mobile-connection/#respond Mon, 11 Mar 2019 07:42:06 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=725 Everything is mobile in Skype!

Including IQ of Skype's developers. It shifts from one to another!

https://itfuckup.com/2019/03/11/microsoft-skype-and-a-mobile-connection/feed/ 0 725
Recent Windows 10’s update kills your computer! https://itfuckup.com/2019/01/31/recent-windows-10s-update-kills-your-computer/ https://itfuckup.com/2019/01/31/recent-windows-10s-update-kills-your-computer/#respond Thu, 31 Jan 2019 20:56:12 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=714 ...continue reading "Recent Windows 10’s update kills your computer!"]]> Microsoft released a Windows 10' update that virtually kills your computer. That is -- upon restart your PC is unable to boot and keeps restarting to Repair Mode.

This is because some morons at Microsoft figured out that it will be so cool if an update to Windows will also fuck up boot sequence in your BIOS. Windows Boot Manager is thus set as first boot device and for some evil reason it is unable to find actual SDD disk which was (in my case) device number 7 in BIOS' boot sequence.

Booting device to BIOS (for which Repair Mode has even a cool button) and throwing Windows Boot Manager hell out of boot sequence or at least putting it into one of latest positions actually solves the problem.

You only have to eat your lunch then because this particular update also installs itself nasty long even on fast PCs.

https://itfuckup.com/2019/01/31/recent-windows-10s-update-kills-your-computer/feed/ 0 714
Free/Busy feature’s fuckup in Outlook https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/23/free-busy-features-fuckup-in-outlook/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/23/free-busy-features-fuckup-in-outlook/#respond Tue, 23 Oct 2018 13:06:30 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=691 ...continue reading "Free/Busy feature’s fuckup in Outlook"]]> Microsoft Outlook's offers a support for Free/Busy functionality -- a nifty feature for sharing your calendar details with others, which helps you organise meetings in the moment when every attendee is free for joining it.

Actually, this is an unspoken standard that is also supported in Thunderbird and many other calendars/mail clients. Only in Outlook it is so badly fucked up.

When you open feature's configuration window, you will see that for some wako reason Outlook will try to publish 71 months out of your calendar:

Nobody actually knows, why 71 months? Why not 42 months etc., but this number is so magical to Microsoft than it repeats in every configuration of Free/Busy feature (in Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016 and others on any computer).

Now, the real fuckup-gem is that with this feature Outlook won't be able (reason unknown) to publish your calendar data to designated FTP server. It will claim that everything is OK, but no data will be actually exchanged and Free/Busy feature won't simply work for you.

To make things more complicated, only Outlook 2016 has a warning message that "71" is an incorrect value. Any other / earlier version will simply allow you to close configuration window, claiming that everything is OK.

To make things even more complicated, the "71" value will be displayed in above window every time you open it. Even, if your actual value is completely different. I.e. you can change this value (i.e. to 2 months), click "OK", close the window and upon next opening you will again see 71.

https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/23/free-busy-features-fuckup-in-outlook/feed/ 0 691
List of biggest fuckups in OneDrive https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/08/list-of-biggest-fuckups-in-onedrive/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/08/list-of-biggest-fuckups-in-onedrive/#respond Mon, 08 Oct 2018 18:59:01 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=685 ...continue reading "List of biggest fuckups in OneDrive"]]> Eleven years after being launched OneDrive still sometimes fails on its key feature -- file sync -- and on some devices it recreates and syncs back files that were actually deleted on some other device.

This is the latest of at least three huge fuckups in this service that finally caused me to say: "Screw you, Microsoft, I am going back to Google!".

The list of biggest fuckups i OneDrive includes:

  1. Recreating files that should be deleted instead. I am tired of controlling OneDrive changes list each time to see, if it didn't go wako this time.
  2. Constantly recreating Attachments and Documents folders. This is so frustrating that I can't find words for that. It can be blocked on Mac, but on Windows or Android or iOS you're forced to delete these two damn folders manually each and every time.

  3. Forcing you to enable photos uploads using even the wildest and the maddest ways, i.e. by claiming that it must be enabled to cleanup a spaces on your device.

  4. Reverting settings to default upon reaching a not accessible file.

  5. Doing some other weird, fortunately rare stupidities like not being able to calculate file length correctly.

There are other things, like cluttering your system menus with OneDrive-related menu items (with no way to turn this off except for messing in Registry) or bumping you with a nag prompting you to upgrade to paid plans over and over again. But, I don't count them in above list, because they're small and not everyone reading this will consider them a fuckups.

https://itfuckup.com/2018/10/08/list-of-biggest-fuckups-in-onedrive/feed/ 0 685
This is Office, not Office! https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/23/this-is-office-not-office/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/23/this-is-office-not-office/#respond Thu, 23 Aug 2018 15:56:28 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=673 ...continue reading "This is Office, not Office!"]]> Spotted moments ago during Office 2013 installation on Windows 10:

And now what, Bill?

To make things even more spicy, while this error was displayed all the time in foreground, I've noticed another message in the background (in the notification area, next to Windows 10's clock) that:

  • Office is being installed (click-to-run Office version; no questions asked),
  • and... that it was installed.

I even managed to close above "error" with right-top "x" only to see message saying that my Office is installed and that I can now go off-line! :>

https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/23/this-is-office-not-office/feed/ 0 673
Two display timeouts in Windows 10 https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/17/two-display-timeouts-in-windows-10/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/17/two-display-timeouts-in-windows-10/#respond Fri, 17 Aug 2018 12:25:32 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=670 ...continue reading "Two display timeouts in Windows 10"]]> Because Microsoft must always mess up and change simple things into complex one, with Windows 10 they have introduced two display off timeouts, i.e. amounts of time after which your screen is turned off:

  • regular one,
  • lock-off screen one.

First is set to 10 minutes (desktop PCs and laptops on AC power) or 5 minutes (laptops on battery). Second one is set to... 1 minute. Yes, every mother fucking minute after you lock-off your Windows your screen will be turned off.

And ya know, what? You can't change it! :>

Or at least, you can't change it the very easy and convenient way...

Because, to make things even worse and this fuckup even brighter, you can modify by regular means (i.e. using Control Panel) only first of these two timers. And if you want to modify the second one, you have to... mess up with Windows Registry to add missing configuration item.

Purely, the Micro-fuck-soft way. Set some important system setting to some stupid value and disallow regular users from changing it!

https://itfuckup.com/2018/08/17/two-display-timeouts-in-windows-10/feed/ 0 670
The MTP protocol. A catastrophic failure! https://itfuckup.com/2018/06/02/the-mtp-protocol-a-catastrophic-failure/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/06/02/the-mtp-protocol-a-catastrophic-failure/#comments Sat, 02 Jun 2018 10:07:26 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=662 ...continue reading "The MTP protocol. A catastrophic failure!"]]> Here you have 3,5 year old post that counts eighteen points to prove you that MTP protocol is a huge shit. Three+ years later nothing changed except for the fact that Microsoft and Google itself finally realized what they've invented:

It's error coming from MTP protocol-based file transfer and description of the protocol itself in one!

https://itfuckup.com/2018/06/02/the-mtp-protocol-a-catastrophic-failure/feed/ 1 662
OneDrive cleanup space fuckup https://itfuckup.com/2018/05/26/onedrive-cleanup-space-fuckup/ https://itfuckup.com/2018/05/26/onedrive-cleanup-space-fuckup/#respond Sat, 26 May 2018 13:54:23 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=655 Want to cleanup some space in your OneDrive. Microsoft offers a cool tool for that:

You only have to let all your photos fly to OneDrive. And... to let Microsoft review it, tear-off you from all your privacy and bring you ads perfectly matching your needs.

https://itfuckup.com/2018/05/26/onedrive-cleanup-space-fuckup/feed/ 0 655
You have skipped driver search… https://itfuckup.com/2017/12/27/you-have-skipped-driver-search/ https://itfuckup.com/2017/12/27/you-have-skipped-driver-search/#respond Wed, 27 Dec 2017 13:30:11 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=625 ]]> ...in Windows Update, haven't you?

Now what, Bill? :>

https://itfuckup.com/2017/12/27/you-have-skipped-driver-search/feed/ 0 625
OneDrive’s double download https://itfuckup.com/2017/10/27/onedrives-double-download/ https://itfuckup.com/2017/10/27/onedrives-double-download/#respond Fri, 27 Oct 2017 06:24:40 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=612 ...continue reading "OneDrive’s double download"]]> Among many other stupidities in OneDrive here comes this:

File is downloaded, but... not.

The second counter (bottom one, with smaller font) went from 0 to 1 019,5 MB in the exactly the same period as first counter (top one, with bigger font) doing the same. Then -- magic! -- The smaller counter got frozen 1 019,5 MB while bigger counter started counting from 0 to 1 019,5 MB again.

To make yourself (itself?) sure OneDrive decided to download everything twice! :>

https://itfuckup.com/2017/10/27/onedrives-double-download/feed/ 0 612
SMTP/SSL over port 25 in Outlook 2010? https://itfuckup.com/2017/09/10/smtpssl-over-port-25-in-outlook-2010/ https://itfuckup.com/2017/09/10/smtpssl-over-port-25-in-outlook-2010/#respond Sun, 10 Sep 2017 12:15:28 +0000 http://itfuckup.com/?p=595 ...continue reading "SMTP/SSL over port 25 in Outlook 2010?"]]> According to fastmail.com ("SSL/TLS vs plaintext/STARTTLS port numbers" part) and thousands of other sources in the Internet (emphasis mine):

  • IMAP uses port 143, but SSL/TLS encrypted IMAP uses port 993.
  • POP uses port 110, but SSL/TLS encrypted POP uses port 995.
  • SMTP uses port 25, but SSL/TLS encrypted SMTP uses port 465.

That doesn't count to morons who produced Microsoft Outlook 2010. They've decided that switching encryption method for IMAP between None to SSL will change port from 143 to 993 and back (correct!). While, doing exactly the same for SMTP won't change port at all.

This way Outlook is problably the only mail client in the world who is trying (unless you manually correct it) to establish secure, encrypted SMTP connection over port 25. An attempt which is doomed by its definition. Congrats again, Microsoft fucks!

https://itfuckup.com/2017/09/10/smtpssl-over-port-25-in-outlook-2010/feed/ 0 595