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A shit called Firefox file downloader

I've been writing about stupidities found in Firefox and other Mozilla products for years. Finally, I've decided that there is so many fuckups and bugs in Firefox that I actually stopped using it. I switched to Chrome and left Firefox installed only for one reason -- very cool download-youtube plugin, which lets me download YouTube video with a snap of fingers.

Up until today I was downloading single video per day, so I didn't noticed, how fukky and wasted Firefox downloader module is. Even in newest version of this dully browser. Today I had to download 27 parts of a large video guide. The way how Firefox was choosing folders for saving each video brought me to only one conclusion -- either this is purely randomized madness or Mozilla morons only knows logic behind this.

As I said, I needed to download 27 separate YouTube videos. All of them were linked together, so I was only browsing to the next link, downloading, next, downloading etc. It seems that this is a critical point, where Firefox get really wako.

I have created c:\trash\videos\c++ folder for downloaded files. For each downloaded video Firefox opened Save as dialog in following folder:

  • first video: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox,

First selection was OK, because Firefox wasn't used by me for a long time. I've "corrected" it and pointed it to c:\trash\videos\c++.

  • second video: c:\trash\videos\c++ (OK),
  • videos 3 to 6: c:\trash\videos\ (what a minute...),

Even though I've been "correcting" Firefox each time and each time I've been pointing it back to c:\trash\videos\c++ and saving each file there, for these four videos it was always "reverting" back to c:\trash\videos, proving that it doesn't give a shit about what I did previously. Then, suddenly, out of nowhere:

  • videos 7-8: c:\trash\videos\c++ (OK),

And then:

  • videos 9-13: c:\trash\videos\ (again?),
  • video 15: c:\trash\ (yes, even something like this happened!),
  • videos 15-19: c:\trash\videos\c++ (OK, again)?

At this point I had to get a leak and made a five minutes break in downloading file. I did nothing to Firefox or my computer during that break. Firefox was opened on YouTube page from which last video was downloaded and was downloading all remaining files in background. However, when I came back, I noticed that "something" has changed, because it again started opening Save as dialog in c:\trash\videos\.

  • videos 20-23: c:\trash\videos\ (hm...),
  • videos 24-25: c:\trash\videos\c++ (again, OK?),
  • video 26: c:\trash\ (what? again?),
  • video 27: c:\trash\videos (aha)?

Hello... is there anyone out there (except those fucks, who call themselves "Firefox developers") who understands above?

1 thought on “A shit called Firefox file downloader

  1. Ralf Weber

    This is so for years and years. I also never understood what is the algorithm for it, it just changes randomly. Could be a case of partial amnesia of FF.


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